028 | Coxswains' Transferable Skills
(photo courtesy of Hope Wilkinson)
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Resources mentioned:
Employability Skills Framework (website): https://cte.ed.gov/initiatives/employability-skills-framework
Employability Skills Framework (1-page PDF): https://s3.amazonaws.com/PCRN/docs/Employability_Skills_Framework_OnePager_20180212.pdf
CoxPod’s logo was designed by Eileen Anderson: https://www.instagram.com/eileen_ing
00:23 Intro
00:48 What are transferable skills?
01:47 Why do an episode on this?
03:05 What skills did each host transfer into and out of coxing?
03:51 Sally's examples
06:12 Anne's examples
08:40 Breana's examples
12:13 Reflect on what you transfer in and out
12:59 Leverage your coxing skills during transition points in life
13:35 An example of using coxing to get a job
16:07 Using coxing to respond to common interview questions
17:49 Using coxing to respond to a university admissions essay prompt
18:59 Employability skills framework
20:51 Applied knowledge
22:03 Critical thinking skills
23:26 Resource management skills
24:51 Information use skills
26:55 Communication skills
27:38 Systems thinking skills
29:10 Technology use skills
30:22 Interpersonal skills
32:18 Personal qualities
33:46 Coxing can show you who you are
35:29 Episode recap
37:40 Rowing brings you into a lifelong community
38:35 Quick pick: employability skills framework
39:33 Shout out: to the people who taught us how to cox
40:33 Closing