009 | Interview with Deirdre McLoughlin
Show Notes

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Resolute Rehab website: https://www.resoluterehab.com/
Deirdre's email: deirdre@resoluterehab.com
CoxPod’s logo was designed by Eileen Anderson: https://www.instagram.com/eileen_ing
00:23 Intro
00:45 Our guest - Deirdre McLoughlin, DPT
00:58 Deirdre’s overview of her rowing, coaching, and career as a physical therapist
02:00 Goal is to dive into the physical aspects of coxing and what we can do to take care of ourselves
03:03 Coxswains' physical needs are often ignored and coxes can feel badly about asking for help
04:38 What can we do to prepare for boat check - positioning and core strength
07:19 Talking about the common ‘forward hunch’ - the need to stretch
09:56 Try to shift some of that coxswain ‘selflessness’ to some self care - we’re not doing anyone any favors by being injured or in pain
10:24 Candid talk about pain and discomfort
12:57 Suggestions on how to help prevent or minimize issues in a stern-loader
18:09 Remember: the spine loves movement
19:32 Talking about numbness/tingling - pay attention
23:37 Bowloader challenges
24:24 Don’t be afraid to communicate with your coach and boat-person
25:41 Understand that you are an athlete
28:02 ‘Undoing’ exercises/stretches - how to work them into your life
31:30 Mental fatigue and health - important to do something that you enjoy
33:09 Breana shares her dislike of heavy physical exertion - and what she does
35:20 Anne’s strategy to incorporate some physical self-care
36:47 ‘World’s greatest stretch - (‘Warrior II meets game of ‘Twister’)
39:26 How Deirdre supports coxswains
43:14 Observations about why some coaches don’t actively support coxes - and how to possibly change that
44:43 Review of the importance of understanding you’re an athlete and being your own advocate (if needed)
48:10 PDF handouts of exercises can found at CoxPod.com
49:04 Contact information: Deirdre@resoluterehab.com
49:35 Quick Pick - hot showers and anything else that helps us recover from our physical role
49:46 Shout-out - to our growing and global audience
50:46 Closing